Just like every first-week-in-December since I came to Cornell I've been working frantically
this week in preparation for my department show. This semester's load wasn't as bad as the past few years, mostly because all my work was in half scale, but it still took a good bit of time and stress.
Some things in half scale are much easier. It's nice not to have to worry about proper facings and hems, but they present some unique challenges: like all the fabric needs to be half as thick, half as heavy, half as drapey, and prints need to be half as large as you'd imagine on a fullscale. If I have to sew another impossible tiny double-ruffle on one more tiny waistline, I might cry.
Still, they're kind of charming: sort of like how things that are really ugly for grownups (i.e. crocs, fingernails) become impossibly precious and charming on toddlers. Just don't study my teeny tiny seams too closely.
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